Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Adventures abroad...

So, today started with a bit of rain, and then a little more rain.

We headed out to the agrodome where we were able to see 19 different types of sheep, them being sheared, cows milked, and we got to hold baby lambs. Then we went to an adventurepark where kids were able to go on the fastest speed boat in New Zealand, a huge drop (sortof like a bungeejump but in sleeping bagesque holders), free fall like skydiving, or an upside down peddle race track. Many took part, and it was great fun. Finally, we went to OGO, which was the opportunity to get in a huge plastic bubble type contraption, and roll down a hill whilst being soaked with water. Pictures are necessary to fully understand it all...BUT, it was super fun for all who took part, and all who watched.

This afternoon was free time in Rotorua. Most walked around, went to a polynesian spa, shopped, or ate. It's been a great day!

Tomorrow, we take part in the Duck Boat Tour, go to a Jade Factory, and then head into Auckland where we will go up Mt. Eden.

More tomorrow...

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